Florida Shootings and Trump fails to mention Gun Control Laws

Feel and show some concern for the families that have lost their love ones in the Florida High School shooting. I choose to talk about this very much because I feel the pain as if it was my immediate family. Now the Governor of Florida together with the mayor and sheriffs are going about talking gun control laws, these are all politicians and we know what to expect from them.

Is it too much to cry out for stricter gun control laws? Though it is written in the constitution of the United States that “the right of the people keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, it is a constitution designed to protect the people and if this protection cannot be guaranteed by any article of the constitution, then something failure steps in. According statistics by www.statista.com, conservative estimates of fire arms in the US suggest that there exist83 privately owned firearms for every 100 people in the country making the United States the most heavily armed civilian population in the world. This site gives the annual (per year) production of fire arms in the US at 9,358,661 and those exported stand at 343,456. So the rest are sold to civilians? I bet you can answer that for yourself. I guess a lot of people and government are making a lot of money from all this which of course is a very lucrative business. Pay huge taxes and sell your expensive guns, civilians buy under the pretext of protecting themselves and the results we get are right there in front of us (Florida High School Shooting). Now President Trump delivers his condolence speech about the Florida High School shootings and still deliberately fails to talk about gun control laws. You be the judge


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