How I lost $740 in Forex by not following the RussiaUkranie War
Welcome to my first blog post of the year and there could be no better time to blog than during this conflict in Ukraine. I know you must already have your conclusions about me talking money when people are losing lives. Well, there is not much I can do other than shed a little light on an already well-broadcasted geopolitical event. At least I help reach a few more people regardless of how they receive it and the question is what have you done about it before judging me? As always, I'll keep things short. The day is drawing to a close and my neighborhood is as silent as ever with everyone sleeping. This happens to be my best time putting into words the shit that goes on in my mind. Forex refers to foreign exchange and a milieu where currencies are exchanged is referred to as the Forex market. Like every market, there are people who provide a place for others to buy and sell ( in this case exchange currencies). These people/platforms/market places are referred to as brokers. I have...