Why Do You Find Talking About Money Uncomfortable?
"And I realized that the conventional world system was designed to offer me comfort in form of security but hidden behind it was a mandatory cost; my time and my freedom". (Acha Etiendem) 2022 is taking its last breath before it vanishes into the history books. I hope and wish that you achieved some or all of your goals and if not, don't feel down but challenge yourself and go again for you are lucky enough to still be breathing. Remember! as long as you breathe, there's hope. I understand you may be reading this feeling down as the year draws to a close but I tell you to cheer up for you just paid life tuition with your failure(s) and as long as you keep trying and being persistent, life will eventually offer you what you're striving for, it is inevitable. How do I know this? you might be asking but I learned from two of the greatest books ever written (The Bible and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill). Ok! I was thinking to myself and self-reflecting on my ...